About Us
2020-04-17 2024-12-28 8:04About Us
Azin Teb Salamat Razi Company
Azin Teb Salamat Razi Company has started its activity in the field of production of medical equipment since the fall of 1397. Industrial machinery started operating in the space of 1000 meters of Toos industrial town in Mashhad.
The features of this complex are the use of young people, educated at the level of technical technician, expert, master in the fields of mechanics, biomechanics, industry, electricity. Raw materials are procured from reputable factories, and the material and quality of these materials are carefully controlled before use.
The design of the company’s products is completely in line with current world standards, however, the opinions of expert doctors are always used and optimization is done in necessary cases.
The use of automatic devices in the manufacture of parts, the result of which is the achievement of increasing speed while providing high quality and dimensional accuracy in all parts manufactured by the company. Among these machines in the production sector, we can mention CNC lathe and milling, seven-axis CNC.
In the quality control section, high-precision digital measuring devices are used to ensure quality. Another important issue that can be mentioned in the quality control of products is 100% control of products according to the quality plan of the same product.
Azin Teb Salamat Razi Company after a short period of time succeeded in obtaining licenses, standards such as the license to manufacture external bone fixators from the General Directorate of Medical Equipment, quality management system standard in medical equipment ISO 13485 from IGC.
Increasing the level of customer satisfaction by putting quality at the forefront is the most important priority of this collection. The company hopes to play its part in promoting community health.